G.E. Booth (Lakeview) Mercury Reduction System

Location: Mississauga, Ontario
ROMAG completed the construction of the Mercury Reduction System at G.E. Booth (Lakeview) Wastewater Treatment Plant in Mississauga.
This facility is the largest of its kind in North America.
The project comprises general construction with the installation of four new mercury reduction systems to four existing Thermal Oxidation (TOX) (fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator) systems.
The project also includes installation of a new dewatering centrifuge in the existing Solids Building and ancillary equipment in both the Solids Building and Solids Receiving Building.
ROMAG completed the project within the restricted working areas inside the existing facility. ROMAG was instrumental in managing major subcontractors from demolition to electrical and instrumentation including concrete work, metals, hoists, mechanical work and installation and start-up and commissioning of the pre-purchased equipment.
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