Grimsby Water Storage System

October 30, 2021 by romagcontadmin

Location: Grimsby, Ontario

ROMAG has completed the construction of the Grimsby Water Storage System. The project included construction of a new dual cell 16,700 cubic meter litre reservoir, associated disinfection system, emergency power system, valve chambers and water distribution mains. Romag also performed modifications to the existing water storage system (piping, valves, flow meters and monitoring system), which was  undertaken in restricted time frames, after the new system is online.

New equipment includes:

  • 900 linear meters of 500mm CPP watermain
  • One 100 KW / 600V / 3 phase Emergency Diesel Generator
  • One 150 KVA 27.6KV Outdoor Transformer
  • One pair of 300 Litre Sodium Hypochlorite Tanks c/w Injection & Sampling subsystems
  • Miscellaneous yard and sanitary piping
  • Building Services and SCADA

G.E. Booth WWTP, Primary Inlet Conduit Contract 1A

October 30, 2021 by romagcontadmin

Location: Mississauga, Ontario

ROMAG has completed the construction of a new cast-in-place concrete Primary Inlet Conduit to convey preliminary treated wastewater from the Grit Facility to Plant 1 and 2. The Conduit is provided with isolation and flow control gates, channel aeration system, and odorous air collection system. Additional works includes, demolishing existing tunnels and buildings, retrofit stormwater collection system to suit new conduit, retrofit the existing high voltage electrical loop and Realignment of the existing Jim Tovey Lakeview Conservation Area (JTLCA) roadway to suit the construction of the new conduit.

G.E. Booth WWTP, Ash Piping Replacement

October 30, 2021 by romagcontadmin

Location: Mississauga, Ontario
ROMAG completed the Replacement of the Original Ash Piping at G.E. Booth wastewater Treatment Plant in Mississauga. The project includes the staged removal and disposal offsite of the existing Ashcolite ash slurry piping downstream of the existing ash slurry pumps located inside the Thermal Oxidstion (TOX) facility and inside Tunnel Julius Ave. and Doug’s Drive, as well as removing and disposing of the Ashcolite ash slurry piping bends located outdoors near the existing ash lagoons. The work also includes the supply, staged installation and commissioning of new Ceram Core piping, modification of existing Ashcolite piping located outdoors, and temporary dewatering pumping and transfer pumping. The new Ceram Core piping consists of ash slurry piping downstream of the existing ash slurry pumps located inside the Thermal Oxidation (TOX) facility, inside Tunnel Julius Ave. and Doug’s Dr. and piping bends. Additionally, the work includes 180-degree rotation of the existing Ashcolite ash slurry piping located outdoors with reconnection of existing pipe supports.

G.E. Booth WWTP, Primary Clarifier Expansion

October 30, 2021 by romagcontadmin

Location: Mississauga, Ontario
ROMAG is currently constructing the Primary Clarifier Expansion & Miscellaneous Improvements at G.E. Booth Wastewater Treatment Plant in Mississauga. The project includes the addition of two primary clarifier tanks, sludge monitoring upgrades, a new effluent water pumping station, and three new aeration inlet feed channels. The work also includes a new primary influent channel that will consist of a primary inlet conduit extension, a common primary influent channel, primary feel channels, and an individual primary influent channel for each clarifier, as well as a new primary effluent channel with a secondary bypass weir gate. Two outfall chambers will also be added, with both connecting to the existing 2400mm Plant 3 outfall pipe. Additionally, the project contains the relocation of chlorination injection points to does into outfall chamber No.1

Malton Four Corners Stormwater Pumping Station and Castlemore Wastewater Pumping Station Upgrades

June 8, 2018 by romagcontadmin

Location: Brampton/Mississauga, Ontario

ROMAG completed the Malton Four Corners SWPS and the Castlemore WWPS within the Region of Peel.

The two sites are to remain fully operational while the new facilities are constructed. The Malton Four Corners SWPS and Castlemore WWPS sites will have deep excavation exceeding 9m and 15m respectively.  Both construction sites are located in a high-density area.    

The Malton Four Corners SWPS project work encompasses extensive amount of shoring, the decommissioning of the current wet well, the construction of a new wet wall and installation of new sewage pumps including all civil, mechanical and electrical work.  Upgrade to the natural gas supply and the complete modification to the existing PLC.    

The Castlemore WWPS includes the installation of new sewage pumps, grinders and all work including electrical, mechanical and structural.

Dundas East Wastewater Pumping Station, Oakville, Ontario

June 8, 2018 by romagcontadmin

Location: Oakville, Ontario

ROMAG completed the Dundas East Wastewater Pumping Station located in Oakville. The project includes 37 ML/D pumping station to meet future sanitary needs of North East Oakville.

The project also includes construction of approximately 2280 cubic meters of emergency storage tank adjacent to the pump station wet well and installation of approximately 100 meters of twin forcemain that connects the station to the existing PVC forcemain on the North side of Dundas East.

The Dundas East Wastewater Pumping Station project has significant excavation, approximately 14 meters deep, dewatering, shoring and anchoring.

The work includes site civil, structural, concrete work, architectural, process mechanical, electrical, HVAC, instrumentation, SCADA and landscaping work.

Alloa Reservoir and Pumping Station

July 14, 2016 by romagcontadmin

Location: Caledon, Ontario

ROMAG completed the Alloa Reservoir and Pumping Station which will serve water distribution zones 6 and 7 for Peel Region. 

Alloa is a two cell reservoir with a capacity of 35 ML.The project includes a 14,300 m3 emergency reservoir overflow and storm water management pond. 

The work also includes groundwater pumping station, a sanitary pumping station, electrical services including twin emergency standby generators, and feedermains for each zone connecting to transmission mains located on Mayfield Road.

G.E. Booth (Lakeview) Mercury Reduction System

September 15, 2005 by romagcontadmin

Location: Mississauga, Ontario

ROMAG completed the construction of the Mercury Reduction System at G.E. Booth (Lakeview) Wastewater Treatment Plant in Mississauga.

This facility is the largest of its kind in North America.

The project comprises general construction with the installation of four new mercury reduction systems to four existing Thermal Oxidation (TOX) (fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator) systems.

The project also includes installation of a new dewatering centrifuge in the existing Solids Building and ancillary equipment in both the Solids Building and Solids Receiving Building. 

ROMAG completed the project within the restricted working areas inside the existing facility. ROMAG was instrumental in managing major subcontractors from demolition to electrical and instrumentation including concrete work, metals, hoists, mechanical work and installation and start-up and commissioning of the pre-purchased equipment.

G.E. Booth (Lakeview) Aeration Tank Expansion

September 15, 2004 by romagcontadmin

Location: Mississauga, Ontario

ROMAG completed the Aeration Tank Extension at G.E. Booth (Lakeview) Wastewater Treatment Plant in Mississauga. The project was to extend the length of existing Aeration Tanks No. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 by 80 linear meters. The project consists of: excavation and disposal of 110,000 m3 of excavated material, 19,000 m2 of formwork and 10,000 m3 of reinforced concrete. Supply and installation of the Aeration systems, air header, modification of RAS Piping, installation of groundwater under drain system. Supply and installation of Electrical, Instrumentation and Control systems. Construction and start-up and commissioning were carefully staged to maintain operational capacity through construction.

To construct Tank No 9, demolition of the existing grit facilities and ferrous chloride building, relocating of Gas Line and installation of a shoring system was required. The scope of work includes the removal and disposal of 800m of railway tracks, the demolition of the roadway bridge over Serson Creek, the construction and removal of temporary road, and building a flood control berm on the west boundary of the property.

ROMAG successfully completed this large liquidretaining structure (18,500 m2 of formwork and 9,800 m3 of reinforced concrete) with no leaking concrete cracks.

Lockview Combined Sewer Overflow Storage Tank

September 15, 2003 by romagcontadmin

Location: St. Catharines, Ontario

ROMAG completed the Lockview Combined Sewer Overflow Storage Tank. The work consists of construction of a 2,500 m3 underground storage tank. The base slab is 12.5 meters under the ground elevation and the structure required 2,000 cubic meters of concrete and 5,500 square meters of formwork.

The Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Tank and the associated appurtenances are located adjacent to the north boundary of the Lockview Park in a residential area in the City of St. Catharines.

The scope of work also included the installation of a 300mm diameter forcemain to be installed utilizing a directional drilling technique and another 300 mm diameter overflow within an existing easement, and connecting to an existing storm sewer along Lockview Crescent, east of Bunting Road, that discharges into the Welland Ship Canal.

Flushing gates, pumps and accommodation for future odour control facilities, electrical, instrumentation and control systems, start-up and commissioning and all restoration work, were also included in the contract.