Dundas East Wastewater Pumping Station, Oakville, Ontario

Location: Oakville, Ontario
ROMAG completed the Dundas East Wastewater Pumping Station located in Oakville. The project includes 37 ML/D pumping station to meet future sanitary needs of North East Oakville.
The project also includes construction of approximately 2280 cubic meters of emergency storage tank adjacent to the pump station wet well and installation of approximately 100 meters of twin forcemain that connects the station to the existing PVC forcemain on the North side of Dundas East.
The Dundas East Wastewater Pumping Station project has significant excavation, approximately 14 meters deep, dewatering, shoring and anchoring.
The work includes site civil, structural, concrete work, architectural, process mechanical, electrical, HVAC, instrumentation, SCADA and landscaping work.
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Dundas East Wastewater Pumping Station, Oakville, Ontario
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